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Deep Roots

What is Deep Roots?

Deep Roots is a multi-layered company designed to help you pursue wholeness in your life. If you have ever found yourself constantly searching for answers within, like freedom and healing is possible, but no matter what you have tried (therapy, reiki, breath work, etc) it hasn't worked, this is the place for you. 


Is there something deep down inside and you can't pinpoint what it is, but you know that it's “off”?

Are there things that you don't believe will ever be better in your life, but you're open and wiling to try to heal from them? Welcome, you are in the right place. 


Are there things that you don't talk about because they're too painful, too unthinkable and no one would believe you if you did? Have you ever felt like all the work you've done to clear trauma, emotional pain, dysfunction, etc helped a little but there's something so much deeper that's still not better. We have been in your shoes and that's exactly why Deep Roots exists.

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S. Truong

 “I really liked the self-care retreat… Natalie walked us through releasing emotions that have held us hostage… We spent time with her mini horses. It was a fabulous day!”


It all started in a cove visiting with the snails. It wasn't until years later that I would understand that my purpose was rooted in those moments of quiet solitude, reflection and safety. 


While on a journey of self-discovery and healing, I came face to face with the darkest parts of my story. The things no one talks about. The things that stay behind closed doors.


It wasn't until I discovered a mind body protocol that was unlike anything else. I began to experience deep healing. The protocol allowed me the space to become undone. To undo all the boxes that trauma, society, well intentioned family, etc had put me in. There was so much beauty in the undoing.There was so much freedom, vulnerability and authenticity.


When we are willing to explore our deep roots, process them and surrender them, beautiful shifts and change happens. 

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